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I disagree, people will not continue to buy $30 hd movies when they can get a similar quality on dvd for ~$10+ cheaper. I don't know if you've heard but the United States is shedding 600,000 jobs a month. Unemployment is going to hit 7% in the next couple of weeks with no sign of slowing. Most of these jobs are held by people in their 20's and 30's, the market that blu-ray is targeting. From what I can tell ( blu ray only sold 4% vs 96% dvd total sales ytd 11/16/08. And this is in the United States. It needs way more sales just to sustain relevance. Personally my friends are starting to soak up hd dvd's because they can get them for dirt cheap, i am talking 4-8 bucks for essentially the same hd experience. I'll buy The Big Lebowski for 5.17 ( on an hd dvd over $13 dvd any day of the week. I know...Crazy American Consumers....