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gebx said: I'm sorry are you reaming me for using November numbers and then quoting October numbers?? Specially when I stated 4-5, and you say it's 5.1?? Are you for serious?? Get off your high horse. As for PS3, my apologize, when I looked up these numbers I used the Japanese attachement rates which was the most up to date. I didn't make these numbers up, I took them straight from the site. 1,077,250 - Software 829,250 - Consoles Attachement rate of 1.24 So yeah.. great post! My whole point was to show that PS3 players are either waiting for that killer app, or they're using it as a Blu Ray player.
yeah i linked the wrong hyper =( i meant that one to show what the 360 was last year not the 5.1 andi got mixed up, my bad. The only solid number i saw currently was 5.7 for the 360 and a 4-6 everywhere else. My main point was the PS3 is just about where the 360 was this time last year as far as attach rate goes, and with arguably less good games (no GRAW), not at 1.5. So if your main point was to show how none of us buy games and we all buy BD's and your main reference point is the 1.5, id say you have no point or basis, so your point is moot. based on the main point of your argument revolving around launch numbers. And i know when looking up numbers sometime you get mixed up (same with my link from Oct) But i think based on your argument revolving around the wrong numbers, you really dont have a case when we know theyre around 3.4 and not 1.5