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lapsed_gamer said:
DragonLord said:
I just hope they don't make it too casual. Zelda isn't suppose to be a wuss that my 4 year old niece can master.

No, a four year old should not be able to master it. A new gamer should not be able to master it. But, what is the problem if Nintendo uses this as a way for a new gamer to experience it? Do we guard our gaming that jealously?



Kinda hard for an optional aspect to make an entire game casual.  Zelda is one of the few hardcore series left haha.  Going to be really difficult to take that away.  Unless it's like Zelda Knitting or what not.  Not to mention I doubt Ninty would mess with the core gameplay.  Just too much of a following.  It's why Mario and SSB had very few things taken from the core aspects to satisfy the userbase.  Nintendo always knows how to satisfy long time gamers of their franchises.