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Rygar - That's just a port of an old game, i really dont know what are developers expectations but personally i dont think it will do well, we're talking about 150k lifetime?

Tenchu 4 - Now ill be more optimistic about this title, it looks decent if it gets enough advertising (people would love to be a Ninja) and some considerable hype among gamers i can see it going at least gold , but this depends on quality if its good than it will sell. 500k !

Dead Rising, now there has been info about this game for a while, but most trailers and screens have been somewhat dissapointing, its been improving lately but is it enough. Zombie games are always popular among public (RE4 and RE:UC did extremely well on the Wii) so i think people might get this game, i see it getting Gold 500k minimum and sales around 800-1m optimistically.

House of the Dead, this game looks quality, SEGA did put loads of effort behind it, and all all rail shooters have sold well, i do see it making a million easily.

MadWorld - Very niche title, that might be quality, but sales it's a big unknown, it can do something like No More Heroes (because of its style) but there is some kind off hype behind it among gamers so who knows it might suprise us. But it will be a hit.

Deadly Creatures, i just dont see this game selling well, even if it is interesting i just dont know how many people would actually want to play this thing, even devs are unsure about it (just look what that THQ guy said). 300k so i thign ti will be dissapoitnig.

The Conduit this is the most hyped third party game on the Wii for a while, everything seeems epic about this game graphics, gameplay if it lives up to the expectations it will be a great success sales wise as well with minimum 2 milion sales if SEGA markets it properly, there is just such a demand for a game like that on the Wii (even if it's only a generic shooter)

Sin and Punishment, im really unsure about this title, its really interesting its first party Nintendo product so it should be somewhat succesful.