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From now on I'll put the weekly numbers in the weekly update post as well, so you don't have to go to the front page all the time to check for the numbers.

Wii vs PS360: -116,395 vs -285,437
Gap difference: -169,042
New gap: 966,270
Marketshare: 49,472%
Total Marketshare difference: +0.090%

Changes week ending 03rd of January 2009
Wii vs PS360: 741,196 vs 602,856
Gap difference: -138,340
New gap: 827,930
Marketshare: 49.554%
Total Marketshare difference: +0.082%
Estimated weeks to 50% marketshare: 7 weeks


As I stated before, this week the gap fell to under 1 million. 828 000 to be precise. The marketshare is getting to be really, really close to 50%, and if adjustments and weekly numbers continue like this week 50% would be reached in only three weeks. Because with adjustments, the gap closed by over 300 000 yet again.

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