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Rygar - Miss. It's a port of a barely-remembered game, two strikes against it, despite whatever Tecmo does.

Tenchu 4 - Not sure - The game seems to have varying levels of quality, and the gameplay could be either irksome or very satisfying, and Tenchu Z was an abject failure

Dead Rising: Chop 'til You Drop - Miss - Low quality port

House of the Dead: Overkill - hit- See House of the Dead 2 & 3 Return, as well as the extra quality and grindhouse appeal

MadWorld - hit - the game seems to be getting a lot of promotion. I know people like to draw comparisons with No More Heroes and with God Hand, but it seems to be getting more notice, and it's quality will rise to the top

Deadly Creatures -not sure- it could really go either way, depending on how THQ advertises it

The Conduit -hit- it should get a decent amount of advertising, because of its budget, and it's quality shall shine forth

Sin & Punishment 2 (no release date yet) -hit- awesome retro revival

Little King Story -hit- it's Pikmin meets Animal Crossing meets My Life As a King. Unless XSeed totally drops the ball for promotion

Monster Hunter: pissing me off since 2010.