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It's funny you posted this picture because Microsoft has performed similarly to the United States military performance in Iraq. The short-term goal of the Xbox 360 was to penetrate the market and become a leader of HD console gaming.  They did this at a cost though.  They produced a horribly flawed unit (i love my unit but you can not argue against this) as a vehicle to achieve this goal (xbox 1 being the gulf war 1) and though the unit was successful in market penetration, they will be spending/have spent years correcting the issues.  This almost directly compares to Iraq where we entered, stormed, won and after the fact spent years/are spending years solving the insurgency issue/infrastructure issues caused by an insufficient military presence at the initial invasion to control groups and underground insurgency.


Ironic huh?

It's the American way of life, I presume?

But seriously, there was a winner in the Iraq war? As far as I know, it's not over yet.



Are you waiting for some referee to blow the whistle?  ask sadam who won.