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Not really worth upgrading the old PSP to this PSP-2000 if the most important features aren't significantly changed. The DS lite was and is considered a worthy upgrade from the DS Phat in many ways.

- Lighter screens (4 brightness settings in all)
DS Phat had 2 brightness settings

- Battery life extended to 19hrs. on lower settings (Volume, Brightness, etc. although sometimes mine lasts up to 22hrs.
DS Phat battery life up to 15hrs.

- Button layout improved (Start/Select buttons are on the bottom right hand side, ABXY buttons feel better, and amongst other things like the repositioning of the mic and the on/off button.)

I'm not sure if the screens are any bigger but those are some good reasons that I can think of that'll make me consider upgrading. I never owned the first DS so to me it was an decision. There are some cons to the DS lite as well like the GBA games protrude out from the bottom but other than that, it's all good!!!

Generation 8 Predictions so far.....(as of 9/2013)

Console that will sell most: Nintendo Wii U

Who will sell more consoles between Microsoft/SONY: SONY