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NightstrikerX said:
noname2200 said:

Improve the Have more than one sidequest, and make your teammates semi-useful in combat, and you'll have my money Bioware.

Have you even played mass effect? There are tons of sidequests, I havn't even gotten the completed achievement yet (for completing main quest + all side quests). Teammates were VERY useful in combat. The skill wheel allowing you to use your teammates skills made for some SWEET combo's. Like Lifting a enemy then using overload to turn them into a living grenade. Something very hard to do on your own. Yeah... Mass Effect 1 was amazing, 2 will be incredible.


weird, I'm pretty sure that the 5 sidequests I did were mostly the same, except for when I had to clear out some turrets before entering the same building with, SURPRISE, the same enemies! then I gave up and just did the main quest.

I will go back to it (the sidequests) though, as it was a pretty good shooter and I was a soldier, so it was EVEN more a shooter. I'll try to be a renegade, but usually I can't do evil stuff in games so let's see what happens haha

and Fallout 3 leaves ME sidequests in a worse situation. now that I mentioned Fallout 3, what is funny is that ME has nailed the "cinematic" feel perfectly, while I'd rather to have portraits and dialog boxes than Fallout 3 static NPC faces.


the words above were backed by NUCLEAR WEAPONS!