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PeoplesChamp said:
Capcom is stupid. Why not make wii versions of Devil May Cry, Okami, and other franchises that no longer make money?

 I'll explain.

1. Prior to Wii release most developers put their 3rd string develop teams and minimal resources onto Wii.  

2. Capcom needed to test the Wii controls in a game but didn't want to do so on an expesnive title so they re-released RE4 to gauge the controls and potential sales of future titles.


Now that Wii is incredible popular it will get more 3rd party support and developers will put their 1st string teams with good budgets.   BUT...planning and early development for a game usually takes place a year or even 2 years before they ever announce the games to the public.  Because of this we may not actually see the fruits of Wii's success until the end of 2008.  


If you want me to clarify on some of that more I can.  Just understand that it would be impossible for Capcom to just drop all their big resources that have been planned and budgeted for PS3/X360 and divert them to Wii right away.  It's something that takes time and we're just going to have to accept that. 


The rEVOLution is not being televised