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Well after several days playing it I think I can safely give my impressions.

On a scale from 1-10 I'd give it a 7.5.

No it doesn't deserve a 5 or a 2 like some moronic reviewers did. But I don't think it even deserves an 8.

I didn't mind the motion controllers. I think they are good. But they are far from perfect. Sometimes I did moved the controller and it didn't hitted. I tried with a GC controller but I didn't liked it. I preferred the wii mote.

Also some characters are very cheap and unbalanced (like the %$(/%$(/&% death!) specially when controlled by the CPU. Which is a pain in the @$$ when playing through story mode.

And yeah the camera sucks but is not that bad. An aerial view could have worked better, though.

But then a friend came and played in versus and that's when the fun begun. It was so fun confronting a friend. My friends liked it because it was easy to play and it was more action-oriented. Definitely is an "action versus" game. And is more fun with a friend.

Anyways, I don't regret that I bought it. It is very fun and I guess that after some more time I'll have better impressions.

And the characters design were pretty good as well as the music even if there were remixes.

I hope that if there's a sequel they fix the sensing motions and the camera and balance it a bit more.

Personally I do recommend it, as long as you don't expect a "Sould calibur" like game.