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vanguardian1 said: Final Fantasy XIII is definitely going to stay a PS3 title, a 360 port is iffy at best, but remember there were technically 3 main final fantasies released on the same platform during the last 4 generations, if the PS3 doesn't pick up sales sufficiently even with Final Fantasy XIII, then seeing the other 2 for this generation appear on Wii becomes an excellent possibility.
Another option I wouldn't be surprised by would be a quick FFXIV announcement. If they're too far along with the PS3 version to cheaply go over to the 360 (or they just plain don't care about money) then they will have to finish FFXIII, put it out, lose money or at least make nothing like what they usually make off of FF and get FFXIV out as soon as possible. Maybe they would even go the Enix route and take it the DS, Japan might end up with a DS to Population ratio of over 1 in that case.