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Man these last few weeks have been REALLY tough on my trophy progress.

I havent had nearly enough time to spend in front the TV and play at all due to some tensity growing between a "higher seated guy" and the staff.

He's generally destroying productivity at station and being very very irresponsible considering he has a very demanding position. He's completely unqualified due to his loathing, unawareness, lies and general lack of understanding for his employees and workplace that he holds as a responsibility.

Im getting tired of saving his ass constantly. And it infuriates me that ''allows'' himself to take a vacation during christmas time (which is the generally the most stressfull time of the year due to client traffic), it infuriates me how he time upon time calls in sick, leaves 4 HOURS before his work time, or just generally does not deliver on his promises that he makes to people. He does little to improve or motivate his co-workers and has no sense of productivity at the station. Example A) he promised an employee that he would not have to work weekends; result; he changed the work schedule such as he gave himself 3 DAYS OFF EACH FUCKING WEEK and everyone else had to work their ass off for either 5~6 days a week.

The schedule has already gone through 3 seperate changes and now he's made a FOURTH which he thinks no one knows about: he doesnt even address the team to tell them/us "whats new". The 4th consists of him meeting later than previous YET still leaving work at previous set time.

This guy totally pisses all over us when we bring it up... and he's especially after me cause Im the most vocal about it.

It gets better when he orders too many products WITHOUT checking if its needed first. Later half of those products never get sold or go to waste and have to be returned. We have already TWICE lost huge amounts of profit due to his careless and disoriented moves.

Whats worse is that he's worked long enough in this ''company'' to know how it goes. And YET... WE STILL HAVE TO SAVE HIS ASS ALL THE FUCKING TIME. HE'S A FUCKING EMBARESSMENT AS A LEADER/BOSS, YET I CANT FUCKING DO ANY RIGHT NOW TO FIRE HIS ASS.


Nintendo & Sony supporter:

 Consoles: Wii & PS3.