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I don't quite have a top ten (as I don't yet own a Wii), but there are quite a few games I haven't played yet (but DO want too)...

The one game that would get me to purchase a Wii, would be the next true 'Legend of Zelda' game, built exclusively for Wii...

At that time I'd certainly pick up others like 'Metriod Prime Corruption' and 'Super Mario Galaxy' too ... but I'd guess that (a new zelda) is quite some time away still... Next year perhaps??

But AS SOON as that game arrives - count me in (the Wii-club) ...

Also, by then, there will be literally LOADS more top games available for Wii, as game devs would have by then (surely) realised that they HAVE to bring all their best AAA titles to the lead console.

Until then I'll be patient....