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Killzone 2 looks like it's the greatest FPS I've ever laid eyes on. Everything about the game screams polish and AAA. As for F.E.A.R. 2, I played the first and thought it was good but I haven't really haerd or seen anything about the sequal. Overall from what I do know about it, it doesn't seem to be on K2's level. Not close.
I'm not trying to base the sequals on the prequals. We all know that F.E.A.R. was better then Killzone, but what does that have to do with these new titles? The big problem with Killzone anyway was techincal problems which it doesn't seem to have anymore. In fact, a huge budget and lots of time have gone into making this game. With so much time, effort, money, etc put into one game I don't see how it can go wrong. Exspecially after watching the game in motion. It's awe-inspiring.

PS3 Trophies