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Kasz216 said:
superbeast1370 said:
The Anarchyz said:
People still think that Square is the bad guy in the N64-PS1 era, i remember how close Square and Ninty were, they even developed SMRPG for Nintendo, then Yamauchi went crazy and arrogant (Yes Ninty newcomers, it's hard to believe but Ninty execs can be arrogant), and all hell broke loose... Square was so pissed that they didn't do a SINGLE GAME FOR A NINTENDO SYSTEM until Satoru Iwata replaced Yamauchi...

Of course, Sony was more than happy when this happened, so much that they offered the heaven to them, FF7 publishing in the West, heavy marketing campaign, etc.

This time, i don't think Square is pissed at Sony, Wada just did business, what i don't like is the lying...


 Exactly. he called Square' called RPGs "Slow and Boring".  Sony is/was nowhere near as arrogant/tyranical/egotistical as Nintendo was back in the 90s.

Calling RPGs slow and boring is no where near as arrogant or egotyistical as suggesting that people will happily get a second job to buy your system.


Or suggesting that they'll buy a game console without game releases for the first 6 months.

The things Yamauchi said were part of a pissing match after Square got in bed with Sony. It was specifically meant to get under their skin. What Sony is doing is dumping directly on their customers, that's far more arrogant and much worse than angry employers taking snipes at each other.

Tag - "No trolling on my watch!"