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Soriku said:
Johann said:
superbeast1370 said:
The Anarchyz said:

Oh yeah, I remember those days... they were a lot of fun.

On topic, when I heard about it I didn't think so much betrayal as much as I thought... "What about those 360 exclusives? They're all going multiplat too, right?". I guess I know nothing about business...

I think is stupid that that they keep not supporting the Wii, when it's obvious the machine is not going to stop selling any time soon. Seriously the shareholders must be frowning pretty hard. The Wii is cheaper to develop for and actually sells more software than both the HD consoles. Anything at this point would be good. Make a port of Crisis Core and put some waggle on that shit. And FFXIV will obviously be on the Wii. Yes the Wii, you know why? Because it won't take this much time to develop for it and it will be out before the Wii stops selling.

I think you missed the DQ X announcement...and that there'll be a new trailer for FFCC: TCB this when FFCC: EoT releases.

DQX is one of the few stuff Square Enix did the last few years that actually makes sense to me. But the Wii is like the King of rushed out ports, and Square is king of remaking stuff, seems to me like a match made in heaven. Why can't they make a quick buck from it doing a couple of those (And yes, I do mean "Final Fantasy VII - Let the Milking Continue") while their DQs and main FFs don't arrive is beyond me. I guess portable remakes are ok and console remakes not so much?

Quem disse que a boca é tua?

Qual é, Dadinho...?

Dadinho é o caralho! Meu nome agora é Zé Pequeno!