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Updated figures for million sellers per month now that the holiday season is essentially over. It currently stands with the Wii at 1.64, the 360 at 1.70 and the PS3 at .96. It seems the Wii and 360 have once again flipped positions in which one is moving the most million sellers, although that is to be expected with all the blockbusters that hit this holiday season.

While still way too early to see the limit become apparent as yet (and very influenced by coming hot off a holiday rush) it does seem that the 360 and Wii are flipping back and forth on who has more million sellers per month. I would say this race will be a lot closer than I previously thought, and probably end in a near tie. This will change if the big blockbusters start hitting the Wii instead, but that has not happened as yet and is looking less likely as time passes on.

Starcraft 2 ID: Gnizmo 229