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Fallout 3 360 - 298k

Fallout 3 PS3 - 180k

Fallout 3 PC - 60k

I dare not make comment...

I dare not make comment...

I dare not make comment...

Edit: Couldn't resist.

Im just going to be gleeful and say all kinds of crap, don't pay attention.

"PC gaming better than console gaming, always" STRIKE!

"PC games sell better than console games" Strike!

I'll leave it at that, before I get too carried away with things. Really this can't be right, a mighty PC gaming icon selling far better on consoles? Hmmm!

Edit 2: Still can't resist:

Thats 2/3 of the tripple B's of PC WRPGs. Bethesda, Bioware, Blizzard... Its close to a trifecta, I can smell it.
