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GranTurismo said:
This in no way will affect the sales of the PS3 but it will stop some people from buying the wii. The wii is up against the PS2 not the PS3, people on a budget will get the PS2 over the wii.
GT, if that were the case, people would already be doing that. Given the difficulty in finding a Wii wouldn't people buy up PS2's instead given your budget philosophy? Adding a white color and a singing game isn't going to suddenly change things.

Diomedes1976 said:
Maybe this coupled with the motion-controlled games for the PS2 can harm the Wii .

The motion controlled games for PS2 are from 3rd party peripheral maker in2games, not Sony and each game requires it's own specific controller and each sell for $60.00.


Willem said:
That's not gonna kill the Wii nor the XBOX / PS3 sales, perhaps when the upcoming Wii-like accesoires (with the games ) for the PS2 are bundled it can hurt the Wii-sales.

 Read above, it won't be bundled.

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