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Joop_de_gekste said:
megaman79 said:
I started my Gaza thread. It was high jacked by superchunk, comrade and some other dude. Its a tragedy that it turns into some kind of religious/race thing when really its about not killing people

Israel bombed a School today.

Israel's worst casuality was self inflicted today, 3 dead.

My opinion, US should stay the frig out of UN business (ie not veto) when a decision by them is clearly in the best interests of any and all civilians on the ground.

Secondly, impeach Bush


the funny thing is the US only 2 intrests are, first of all control the middle east ( oil ). second the US government is greatly influenced by rich Jews who live in the USA. Thats why the US wanted a country for the Jews.

Normally, I'd be the last person to do this. But...
