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Not just a ceasefire of military attacks, but a real releasing of all harassment. This means Israel cannot continue its blockade of Palestinian territories. Food, fuel, and other human necessities needs to be allowed in.

As for a long term solution for the region, I feel it is possible if done in a similar way as this.

First off, Israel needs to initiate real change. They need to quit adding fuel to the fire of Hamas and other militant organizations. When they get them to agree to halt military actions, as happened not to long ago, they need to implement change that will make the remaining Palestinian sector physically see change on the ground in their daily lives.

1. Israel must fully acknowledge its support for a stable and friendly Palestine.
2. Israel must begin to remove settlements that are obviously not going to be part of their state AND those people must not just be relocated to other settlements.
3. Israel must put forth to Arab League vote a massive deal which will give nearly all of WB back with some form of autonomous control over the Mosques in Jerusalem, the last sliver of Lebanon, and Golan Heights to Syria.
4. Along with that a statement that Israel will not accept Right of Return, however, it will pay some massive detailed amount of $$$$ and use its own contractors/IDF to begin rebuilding Palestinian infrastructure and housing for he millions of refugees.

Sure, right off the bat you will see those how protest and outright deny it, etc. But, it is a huge starting point that is like 80% of what Arabs have been asking. In all reality the only part they may actually squawk over in private discussions with Israel would be Jerusalem. (public and private talks with Arabs/Israelis are completely different) However, I'm sure that could be resolved as well.

Once these real changes started to unfold, i.e. removal of settlements ect, you will see a noticeable decline in Hamas military support. Especially if PA is maneuvering correctly to ensure it gets all of the glory for Israel's actions. That too, could also be orchestrated by Israeli actions and public speeches.

Above all else, Palestinians will need to see real change on the ground. They will need to see blockages, checkpoints, etc opened up. Settlers removed. Initial open cooperation in rebuilding sea and airports. Gestures like that won't harm Israel's security in case Hamas or others start attacking. But, they will prove without a question of Israel's intent to build a new Palestine.