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A ceasefire needs to happen. No one is going to win via these tactics... The past 40 years have taught us that.

The US (and much of western Europe) needs to take a step back from Israel. While in the past they've been victimized by the rest of the region, I don't see that happening anymore and if they do attack another nation, they shouldn't have the entire weight of the west looking menacingly over their shoulder in support.

The problem is that if Israel is forced to recognize another nation, will it do any good? Will that nation stop bitching about how its borders should be (fill in random latitude/longitude here)? Israel may be on sketchy ground here but let's not pretend that Hamas isn't directly responsible for continuing this ridiculous "war". Neither side is innocent here and frankly, I don't see an easy solution appearing any time soon. There's far too much political intrigue and historical animosity to easily resolve this.

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