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Meh. While gaming "journalists" are largely fanboys themselves, bitching about the internet is like complaining about the sun setting every night. People argue over preferences. It's human nature. Just step into a Mopar shop with a Ford t-shirt sometime, or walk into a Harley dealer with a Yamaha shirt and see what kind of response you get in real life. Then travel to the equivalent message board with that same shirt as an avatar and see what happens. Anonymity empowers people to say and do things they wouldn't dare do in real life.

As for gaming journalists, they're a joke. Not only because of their obvious preferences when it comes to their writings but also their lack of mature reasoning or objective thinking. By and large, they're a bunch of 20 or 30-something manchildren who would still wear underoos if allowed and seem to enjoy the same juvenile bullshit they did as a teenager. There are a few guys on Kotaku I enjoy (and would probably enjoy them more if they could properly grasp the difference between "its" and "it's"), but mostly, I just roll my eyes when I read something regarding the games industry.

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