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In only own the PS3 right now .May get one of the other two when they have 4-5 great games that I want and cant play on my PS3 or PC .For the moment X360 has Dead Rising and Gears of War (and thats going to PC as well ) and I look forward to Lost Odysey ,Mass Effect ,Elveon and Too Human .If those 4 titles are AAAA then I will buy one (specially if the Falcon chipset solves the rings of death problem ) .

For the Wii I would like Zelda but already have in the Cube .Nothing else interest me right now .In the future I dont see anything interesting as well .The Mario games are great but not my thing and I dont like too much FPS as Metroid.Maybe if they announce Fzero I will have something to look for but its more difficult that I buy the Wii hard as I try I just dont see anything interesting to me .At least not yet .

Even if I bought those PS3 will remain my main console .The best one for one-player and online multiplayer (for free ) .I will buy HS and Warhawk when it comes out in BR and then one between Haze and UTIII ... also Ratchet and Clank.Probably also Day of Judgement for the Playstation Eye .Next year and beyond I will buy stuff like Resident Evil 5 ,Final Fantasy XIII ,Final Fantasy XIII Versus ,White Knight Story ,Silent Hill 5 ,Metal Gear Solid IV ,Little Big Planet ...more than enough to justify my purchase .