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FishyJoe said:
twesterm said:
FishyJoe said:
When I went to Gamestop yesterday, I bought the last copy of MP3 they had. According to the clerk, they received 65 copies of which 60 were pre-orders. So I'm wondering if this is just local to me or if anyone else encountered something similar.

Just a quick piece of info: they always fucking say that. Usually right after they say that it's followed by if you reserved it you would have guaranteed yourself a copy. I really hate Gamestop sometimes.

When I got my copy of MP3 Tuesday and ask for a copy, the guy said he had one left and had to go grab the copy off the shelves. He picked one of the random eight empty boxes on the shelves, then went behind the counter and got the actual copy where I could see what was easily 10 more copies. After that he proceeded to give me the reserving lecture but I left.

I thought about coming back five minutes later and pointing out the box he had taken down and more than likely replaced after I left but sadly I was in a hurry.

He didn't mention being sold out until after the sale was completed. I already said thanks and was about to walk away when I thought to ask how the game was selling. Could he have been lying? I guess, but the subject didn't come up while he was trying to sell me stuff.

I usually don't buy at Gamestop, but the Wal-mart and Target didn't have any in stock at the time.

 It doesn't really matter when they tell you as long as they tell you that at some point.  They want you to think you got lucky that time and might not be so lucky next time.  The more preorders Gamestop takes the more managers make so they are going to do everything within their power to get as many preorders as possible.