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vlad321 said:
MontanaHatchet said:
Save for a few gems, this list is really not that impressive. Sorry PC elitists, no one cares. Besides, I can't believe your list includes games like Mirror's Edge and Saint's Row 2 that console gamers got months ago. I'll try not to choke when I laugh too hard.


Half-Life, Warcraft, Diablo, Starcraft (UT would be on here if you completely erase from your memory that UT3 EVER existed). If a new game that has any of those is released in a given year, it really doesn't matter what the consoles have. You can stack MGS4, LBP, SSBB, MKWii, Gears, any FF, ANY game, and it will still be a Technical K.O. 30 seconds into round 1 in favor of the PC. Since I see Stacrcraft in 2009 and a Diablo game in 2010, the winners are already set for those years. I'm hoping for a Half-Life 3 in 2011, I'm REALLY hoping, but I doubt it.

T.K.O. huh? Did someone laugh to hard that they were too punch drunk to defend themselves?

