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Bitmap Frogs said:
Infamy79 said:

Sorry but while Adobe products work better on a mac from graphic & web design, Premier & Final Cut Pro and zero latency with Core Audio drivers for things like ProTools and the exclusive Logic Studio, then they are still dominant in those industries.

Just because you can still do them on a PC doesn't mean that a Mac can't do it better because the software was always written for the Mac first. As much as I hate integrating a Mac into a Windows Server environment, there are always larger companies with graphic design departments that need to use them. I've seen a massive company here in Australia with a big HP contract be completely unable to do anything on an HP in Photoshop, after your first edit the program would crash. HP specifically brought out one of their most high powered workstations to test it and it happened again. I know this is an extreme, but it happens. Someone ended up bringing in a Mac to meet their deadlines and since then they've fitted out the graphic design team all with Macs. One of my companies clients is a political party and we recently kitted them out with new AUD$8k workstations for their media work and getting CS4 to work on them has been an ongoing nightmare.

I am 100% PC, will only ever use Windows, but I can admit where Apple has its strengths, if I want to start playing around with music production then I'll get a Mac so I can use Logic.

There may be more to Macs than graphic/audio/video, but it's still their main one. They are good for the home user too, but crap in enterprise environments.


Funny you mention adobe and CS4, considering how there is a 64bit version for windows and it ain't for mac. If you are curious it's because adobe didn't feel like rewriting everything in cocoa. I agree Final Cut is a pretty unique suite, but... Avid has a windows native version (it's still the "main" version and Avid is the biggest name in the industry). Mystika runs only on linux. So do the solutions from Assimilate. As stated, Autodesk only makes its products available for pc and linux - and while the final cut suite has a color grading application it pales compared with the tools from Autodesk. Etc...

It's interesting that CS4 for windows is giving you so much trouble. Is it the 32 or 64 bit version? Genuinely curious there... did they release it buggy?

Anyways I'm rather pro-mac but I do think one is no longer bound to it for certain applications. And the reverse is true as well, Office is finally truely mac-native (it used to run behind an emulator layer) and everyday as Apple's marketshare grows (almost at 10% at the moment) so grows the number of developers who decide to develop mac versions of their applications.

It's not me personally that's had the trouble but another senior engineer at our company. It's running on Vista x64 and it appears that the CS4 64bit has issues, but if you run the 32bit version on the 64bit OS then it seems to be ok. I may be wrong though as I've only heard about the issues when he's tearing his hair out. It also doesn't seem to like redirected My Documents either but I don't think that's CS4 specific just an Adobe thing, and an AutoDesk thing too.

I think the main reason that so many of these industries stay Mac focused is because that's what they all learn on when they take classes.

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