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WRPG's are just Shooter/Action games. The main difference is that your character is nameless and you have a few extra options to tinker with, rather than being named "Master Chief" or "Marcus". Because that way you aren't just controlling some bad ass, YOU ARE THE BAD ASS ZOMG

Fallout? Shooter. Mass Effect? Shooter. Too Human? Shooter.

Why is this a pattern? Lets take a look at where most WRPG's reside: Xbox 360. Hmmmmmmm...

I don't care what culture makes the RPG, as long as they are the turn based or real-time formulas. Since the Japanese tend to to make the more classic RPG's, I buy those games more.

Let me make it clear: I really don't feel comfortable calling most WRPG's an RPG. There are exceptions like Oblivion and Fable that I would gladly call a WRPG, but most "WRPG"'s are just shooter games in my eyes.

By life end:

  • Wii- 100 million+
  • Xbox360- 35~40 million
  • PS3- 30 million
  • PSP- 30~32 million ------------- FAILURE
  • NDS- 85~90 million (Skeptical)  - FAILURE
  • NDS- 100 million+ (Optimistic) -- Success!