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Does anyone honestly still think they will be? Square-Enix as a company is a shadow of what Squaresoft used to be. Look at the recent 360 games: The Last Remnant, quoted by Wada as being 'a cornerstone of their worldwide strategy'. It was panned critically, the same as Infinite Undiscovery, another critical failure. Square-Enix as a brand has lost a lot of their prestige this generation.

And look at the previous Final Fantasy games: FFX, a step in the wrong direction, FFX-2 a terrible game, FF11 a grindfest MMO which failed in comparison to things like WOW, Everquest, Runescape, Lineage 2, AOC, etc, and then there's FF12. A game that plays itself with shallow characters, poor storytelling, unmemorable locations... Looking at the FF13 trailer it looks to have a lot more in common with FFX-2 than the PSOne and SNES classics.

Of course FF13 will sell shitloads and FFV13 will sell well, I'm not denying that. They'll probably be decent games, but the fact that Microsoft fans claimed PS3 was dead after the multiplatform announcement is laughable when you look at the awful games SE has come out with recently.