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bdbdbd said:
@Kars: Yeah, the number of RISC instructions have grew in size over the years and CISC processors know how to read only a part of the code. But i believe the difference still exists in the way how the code is written for each processor type.
In the end the emulation is only a question whether you can find an instruction that performs the same job as the original did and in the worst case, you can't make a general purpose emulator.

You don't need to find a 1-to-1 correspondence... An emulator can run many RISC instructions for one emulated CISC instruction. The 360's cores are much faster than Xbox's core (3.2 GHz vs 733 MHz), so there's a lot of room there.

A general purpose emulator is always possible on turing-complete machines, the only question is performance... which I guess is part of the reason why some Xbox games are not supported on the 360.


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