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lestatdark said:
Pristine20 said:
lestatdark said:
Well i have never seen myself in a fanboy position, because i just really love video games. I would never stop myself from getting a particular system just because i bought another one. All systems have great games, which offer different gaming experiences, so you would be limiting yourself by just being "loyal" to one particular system.
This generation, until december i had only a PS3, Wii and a PSP, I felt sad because of the great games i was missing out on the 360 and the DS, even today, one month after buying my 360, i'm still missing out on the DS. Hopefully i'll buy it in my birthday.
My point is, you should, if you can, try every kind of game, independently of the system that it comes to.

I really do love videogames. My ps3 moves with me whenever I stay anywhere for more than 2 days despite it's size because games are my primary form of entertainment. In many cases I find that most multi-console owners never even purchase all the games they want on one system before they buy a new one. In my case I still play my old games so I bought the ps3 for continuum. I then consider the other software available on my new format and just ignore  others at least until the rare case that some "super" game convinces me to buy another platform like Ninja Gaiden finally got me to buy an xbox.


I also still play my old games on my PS3, there are a lot of great classics out there, even with all the new games arriving each month. My PS3 was my main form of gaming for the last year and a half, used to go everywhere with it and my PSP also. I bought my wii mainly for Zelda, Mario, Metroid and Smash Bros, but found that it had more great games also, and last month i finally got my 360 because of all the great RPG's it has and other great games also (Just finishing Gears 2 and i'm really enjoying the game).
I think there were few "super" games that conviced me to buy one particular console, mainly i buy them because of the quantity of quality games that come to them, the only exception being the N64, i bought that console the day OoT launched :D


Looks like we're alike. In my case the other consoles haven't had those games to send me to the shelves just yet lol. I finally got NG and an xbox about a year after NG released because I thought the game would come to ps2 because it seemed strange that a japanese dev just moved to the xbox. When it never came I just got both the system and the console and ended up buying a few other xbox games as well.


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"WAR is a racket. It always has been.

It is possibly the oldest, easily the most profitable, surely the most vicious. It is the only one international in scope. It is the only one in which the profits are reckoned in dollars and the losses in lives"---Maj. Gen. Smedley Butler