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DonWii said:
BTW, you should add this to your first comment.
It made me pay attention-though I am still not a fan of FPS:

"We thumbed through the IGN message boards after our recent review of Metroid Prime 3: Corruption -- a game that we awarded a high 9.5 rating -- and readers had a variety of questions for us. One that stood out was, did we think that a third party could make a game that would rival Corruption's innovative utilization of the Wii remote? We said sure, yes, absolutely, it was bound to happen eventually, but we honestly figured such a feat would be several months off, if not years. So imagine our surprise when we got our hands on Medal of Honor Heroes 2 for Wii this week and discovered very quickly that EA Canada seems to have nailed the control scheme. Indeed, if our brief, but revealing play test with a few key portions of the war-time shooter was any indication, Heroes 2 may prove to be more powerful proof that Wii is the ideal console for fast and furious first-person experiences. What the demo also proves beyond any doubt is that the Wii rendition is absolutely not a quick and dirty PSP port and we hope all of our readers will take notice now because, frankly, this surprisingly adept undertaking is set to blow a hole through both Call of Duty and Vanguard before it."

I put a link, so whoever takes the time, will see that the preview is pretty positive.