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@brofe , i dont buy anything from ebay. and i usually get all my gaming needs from my best friend. he owns a video game store, in my local flee market. with all my christmas money i got, i was trying to find all the rpg's i had played when i was growing up , so i could play them again. also trying to get other rpg's i missed or never heard of either. monday's topic for discussion will be : what was the 1st rpg that u got and did everything that the game had too offer? for me it was final fantasy 7.

Like the Franz Ferdinand song says: You're lucky, lucky you're so lucky xD

First RPG I got and did everything was Illusion of Time followed by Breath of Fire II.


"Librarse de tener que ir de jurado es facil. El truco está en decir que tienes prejuicios contra todas las razas". - Homer Simpson