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forevercloud3000 said:

No need to get offended at what you said, I have been saying the same exact thing for the last couple of months of me being there. It is true about the whole people not being qualified thing. They hire students right after they graduate to teach. I had to put one teacher in his place because I know more about photoshop then he will EVER know, I had been using it since I was in 7th grade. I also know way more about games then him for he only plays games on his PC. What does he know of the advantages of console gaming, or how console gaming grosses way more money then PC games.

As for the K2 vs. GeoW2 models...
KZ2 probably is not using 50000000000polys on a single model. Thats just crazy. But from a modeler's standpoint, KZ2 most assuredly uses more polys then the models from Gears of War 2. I even looked up some videos of this "Worm" thing someone mentioned, as well as some other videos of the game. All I see is basic modeled shapes, really shallowly done with super hires textures on them. Now dont get me wrong, the game is beautiful. Yet Killzone 2, with it's higher poly count, and comparable if not better texture quality, visibly outshines Gears's graphics.

Or maybe its because I have been looking at polys all day, budgeting them within my model. LOLz

I mean look at the last three gifs I posted in a previous posts (not OP ones). In those you can visibly see the finer details, details Gears simply lacks. The ground in the one when he is holding the handgun is trully drool worthy. I can visibly and believably tell that that is muddy black dirt during sunrise/sunset time of day. Its not just a stupid poly count that makes KZ2's graphics better then the rest. Its the combination of poly counts, hires textures, lighting, physics, scenery, shadow depth,etc that makes the more graphically appealing game.

And I dont mean to pick on gears but gears is heralded as the 360's finest work. So I find it more suiting to put there best with our best, so far at least.

LOL no no way man. I'd say between 10-20 K on a char, and a normal map is Quite possibly slapped on aswell. Infact it makes the most sence if it is since it would allow them to use sculpture programs for their details. But it's still way more then gears since it mostly relies on bump and normal maps combined with specular maps a lot more.


You guys are lucky though. It costs a fortune if i want a game designers education over here, which i do. So far everything i know is selftought from crafting my own total conversion game.


Check out my game about moles ^