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Well my logic was based upon how much the PS3 was able to turn things around before the price cut. PS3 really picked up steam for a while there. To the point some people here were predicting a year-end takeover.

Also, if theres one thing I knoe about SONY is that it always sells. Its a brand name that sells all by it self. They can change the name of the company to MONY /lol :) .. ok bad joke! but, still I never count any thing out when it comes to something like this.

IF, SONY does drop that price, remember that it has the BluRay platform behind it, it really can move an unprecidented number of units. According to the numbers in the tracking thread BD has jumped to 14% from 12%. To ME, I think that is astonishing because I would have figured this christmas to be something of a spike for DVD (maybe a final hurrah if you will). I seem to recall something similar happen with VHS some 7 or 8 years ago.

My point is there is a huge potential for this system to really surge in sales if the right things happen on the market, so I whereas, yeah it may be unlikely and bold, but I don't think it's impossible. Good number crunching though. I'm impressed.

"Let justice be done though the heavens fall." - Jim Garrison

"Ask not your horse, if ye should ride into battle" - myself