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The numbers for the week ending the 27th of December are up. Wii gets a 250k+ lead this week as well, though christmas is over, and next week will probably be back to normal.

The gap has shrunk to just above 1 million now.

This weeks adjustments were in favor of the Wii, with +90k for wii and -60k for PS360.

The 5 week avarege would probably not be very useful this week, but here it is just for kicks.

Adjustments for the last 5 weeks:
Wii vs PS360: +345,949 vs -102,107
Gap difference: -448,056
Total Marketshare difference: +0.270%

Last 5 weeks weekly:
Wii vs PS360: 7,397,187 vs 6,062,328
Gap difference: -1,334,859
Total Marketshare difference: +0.98%

Wii vs PS360: 7,743,136 vs 5,960,221
Gap difference: -1,782,915
Total Marketshare difference: +1.26%



EDIT: Neat. This is my 600th post.

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