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vanguardian1 said: Narfer, check out Godfather : Blackhand Edition for Wii, seems EA hit the controls on that one as well. A lot of people are loving it.
i know. i really want it. ive never played it before, but the graphics looked real good (or so they did in the screen shots i saw) and i heard amazing things about the gameplay and how well they worked the controller in. my local rental store doesnt have it and im currently too broke to buy it, but ill definatly give it a shot some day. to the people bashing the pointer saying its not better than an analag, i have nothing left to argue. if you truly believe what you say, then im sorry your body and mind just cant addapt to change and new ideas. if you are lieing cause you too proud to admit nintendo just 1-uped your PS3 or 360, then your a fool, and there is no saving you from a life long misery. lets play each other me with wiimote and you with analog, no automatic aiming. i can aim and 1 corner then to the next in a tenth the time it would take you to move your sight across the screen, only moving as fast as its set to move at full speed as opposed to me moving at my own real speed. ready, draw, your dead. CHEERS

A delayed game is good someday, a bad game is bad forever.