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Narfer said: i dont like playing games on a computer either, but simply because gamming on computers is for scrubs to me (no offense to those of you who game on computers, thats just my opinion, i mean no offense to you). i like having a console more less dedicated to gaming, none of that other crap.
Uhuh. I play all kinds. My preference is for Sony, but I guess that could change. I grew up on Nintendo, switched to Sony during the 64 phase (honestly I can't see how we ever played that system, sure the anti-aliasing was great, almost no jaggies, but the block characters? Comeon. Who doesn't remember Pierce Grosnans picture plastered on to that block face on Goldeneye?) But I play PC too. You have to enjoy it all. I don't see what you mean. PC players almost always kill console players in most competitions. Are they the scrubs? In general PC players are also a lot smarter than console players. Partly cause you get a lot of hoi ploi in console gaming but not so much on PC games. Maybe that's just my opinion. But having been in some gaming competition (way back in my day, Halo 1 mostly, 2001-2002) PC guys are pretty good.