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Basically the "play your own music" has the same idea as it has with Wiis same function; it didn't create additional cost, so it's a function that you can have.

You mean similar to the inclusion of Skype and music/video playback in PSPs? Seriously I think this is a bad point.

Or can you give a logical reason why Nintendo would want to duplicate its competition, when Nintendo has outsold it by more than 2:1 so far?

Because the PSP has sold pretty well in Japan compared to the DS recently and many people are using it for video/music etc.?
Duplicating the advantages of the competing product would only be bad if they would loose anything in the process. But that is simply not the case. You can argue that the inclusion of the BluRay player made the PS3 more expensive.
But this is a one example. The 360 is a multifunctional device too, hell even the Wii will get a video channel.

If Nintendo would have wanted to replicate PSP, DSL would have been a multifunctional device.

It IS a multifunctional device. It plays music, it has a web browser. It has a camera.

Multifunctional devices can't really compete single use devices due to the added cost of extra features

Only true if the extra features are hardware. But as I said if you have a processor, storage, a screen, an input device and an internet connection your
possibilities are endless, and these hardware "features" are shared by a wide variety of devices from console, to phones. The problems of the PSP do not come because it was intended as a multifunctional device but because they tried to shrink a PS2 into your pocket. (My opinion).