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Amazing list. The most impressive thing last year Multiplatform games >>> exclusives.

This year its reversed.

Uncharted 2 (Uncharted 1 is still one of the best games this gen)
Killzone2 (I was sceptical at first but it looks amazing)
Gran Tourismo 5 (I believe a 09 release when I see it but otherwise biggest game in the year it comes out)
Infamous (lacks charme but seems to be pretty cool)

And after last years amazing multiplats the list of 09 is a bit embarassing. The only games that interest me are:

Beyond Good and Evil 2 (the first was weird but somehow cool)
Bioshock 2 (although the first one really dissapointed me System Shock 2 FTW)
The Witcher (I like my RPGs)

Let's see. Alan Wake looks cool on the Microsoft side. Other than that not much there as well.