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forevercloud3000 said:

O I truly Hope Noctis does have a Epic Sephiroth like villain to oppose him. I would just DIE if he does!!! I dont think my heart can take that kind of Awesomeness crammed into one game!

I hope that FF versus XIII is the game to finally dethrone FFVII in my mind as the greatest RPG of all time. It trully is looking as though it really can be just that. Tetsuya Nomura is back in action on this one. Do you know he came up with many of the concepts for the story as well as characters for FFVII? Yea, Sephiroth was his idea. He also talked the directors out of letting Sakaguchi make the game a detective mystery kind of game. He is AWESOME to the EXTREME!!!!


Agreed, numora FTW!! hes the Kojima of JRPG's lulz!

Dude we should start a Versus fanclub on VG someday just but its latest DK trailer alone in all its epic sauce.

And agreed, Versus XIII is the next Final Fantasy VII and with Mr. Numora being the main man behind this project just think of how the final battle could be like and the battle system in general? Gawd................