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richardhutnik said:

In discussions of videogame sales, and comparing consoles, there is this SDF-level charge that the PS3 is going to end up leaving the 360 in the dust.  I am asking now, because I am curious if someone will be able to explain how this can happen.  I am having difficulty seeing how this would happen.  I mean in a case of before Microsoft comes out with another console, and the generation moves, but Sony keeps the PS3 around.  Can someone lay out scenarios where this is possible?  Something like this (but add your own detail):

1. Killzone 2 surpasses the sales of both CoD: World at War (on the 360) and Gears of War 2.  I don't mean combined, but over whichever one will sell more.  Killzone 2 comes close to sales of CoD: World at War on ALL consoles.  This becomes news, and the graphics are so impressive, the media talks it up like crazy, and it is discussed as the Halo killer, replacing Halo as the top console FPS.  This causes the PS3 to become THE choice for people who want to play FPS on a console.

2. Sony figures ou how to cut production costs of the PS3 even futher, and begins to undercut the 360 in price, and not lose money doing this.

3. Gran Turismo releases, and has prelaunch hype not seen since Halo 3, and happens to have that buzz, and sets opening day sales records.

4. More production problems happen with the 360, so that a new version of RROD appears.

5. Uncharted 2 sells multi-millions in sales first day, and generates a lot of buzz.

6. There is a massive push to buy Hi-Def TVs in 2009, and this causes Blu-Ray to become THE talked about new tech item, and the PS3 discussed in EVERY news report and article.

7. Home hits its stride and is discussed as THE Killer app in 3D Avatar based social networks.  It gets a LOT of content that piques the interest of everyone.

8. God of War 3 comes out, and pushes Uncharted 2 in discussion of best platformer on consoles.

9. White Knight Chronicles hits North America and generates records sales for an RPG, supplanting sales of Fable 2, Fallout 3, and the PS3 is discussed as king of RPGs, and the RPG players are driven to buy PS3s, because they feel it is where RPGing is.  In other words, take the Final Fantasy VII effect times 5.

10. Almost all of Microsoft's exclusive offerings sell poorly and get bad reviews: Halo Wars fails to be relevant and doesn't work right.  The GTA4 exclusive expansion proves to be a bad seller and badly reviewed.  Alan Wake flops.  The new Halo FPS bombs.  Mass Effect 2 comes out on the PS3 in 2009, along with the 360 version and is universally agreed to be better and outsells the 360 version by a 2 to 1 margin.  Pretty much the entire 360 exclusve library for 2009 is equivalent to Too Human.

11. MAG comes out and wins awards and sells like gangbusters.  It supplants Call of Duty as THE historical FPS game to play.

12. Other things happen, like Sony runs heavy and killer advertising that generates this generation's Sega Scream.  They also put backwards compatibility in hardware making it an easier choice for PS2 owners to migrate up.  They release a few suprising titles no one expects.  The unforeseen happens and benefits Sony in a BIG way.

13.  Microsoft headquarters explodes in freak blimp accident. 

Maybe I am reaching here or demanding too much.  I am just trying to come up with a list of what could happen that might turn the tide, a list of game changers.