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... your knowledge is astoundingly bad at the end. EA is Valves publisher. Vivendi used to be their publisher until Valve released Steam and Vivendi and Valve sued eachother for breach of contract.

Gabe Newell churned out two of the greatest games ever made and hasn't once released a bad one. Gabe was the director for those games. They revolutionized every aspect of FPS, and even though it was delayed for a full year, it still came out with the most ground breaking graphics seen for about a whole year after.

You can say that Gabe didn't give PS3 a chance, but do not doubt Gabe's talent as a dev because that is bullshit. Gabe has earned his right to speak, just like other great devs do. Weather or not he is right all the time is yet to be seen, but the man has the all time most played Multiplayer FPS and one of the if not the greatest FPS series released to date.