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sieanr said:
sharky said:At one point he says the physics are on RSX..well if you know anything technically you know right away that's not possible...RSX is not suited for physics. I dont even think it's possible.

Actualy, the Havoc physics engine allows physics calculations to be run on a GPU's shaders.



Not RSX, anyway. RSX is based on G71, which has poor dynamic branching and isn't suited to running physics, even in a theoretical manner. 


There's no one interview anywhere on the planet where a console dev has mentioned running physics on the GPU on Xbox360 or PS3. That's just not possible. If there is such an interview, point me to it.


The only place physics on GPU is even being discussed is on PC, and then they mean to add a third graphics card just to run the physics. And on top of that physics run by a GPU would be non-interactive. Aka, you could make smoke roll to look prettier, but you couldn't kick boulders or interact with GPU physics. 


And even on PC, no game currently runs phyics on the gfx card. It was just something being kicked around but it didn't take off because it's not very desirable. You cant send the physics data to the GPU then get it back in time to include it in gameplay due to latency. So all it can do is make things look prettier like I said. But PS3/360 cant even do that.

 Cell is much better suited to physics anyway. This guy is a real tard if he thinks they left Cell spu's sitting idle as he claims but ran physics on RSX instead. That would be bass ackwards, not too mention impossible.


The guy is not a dev, period. Again, he claimed to work for Vivendi. Vivendi is Valve's publisher. The guy is so dumb he doesn't even understand that Vivendi!=Valve. That would be like saying Microsoft=Bungie.