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Khuutra said:
kabhold said:

OK.  ill edit.  Same deal though.


It's not actually that unfair a comparison. We've all heard quite a few people talking about how they would get out of gaming if all games went the motion control route, right?

He's really just saying that people are afraid of change.

I'm not going to argue this.  I have read many posts by you.  You seem to be a very bright person.  If you disagree with me my opinion of you will not change. BUT I ask you... 

Do you really think it is a fair comparison.  The implementation of sound in films vs. the Wii.?

Next question: Who's afraid of the Wii?  Skeptical... maybe.  The wii's controls if done right are fun im going to bed. good night. :)

EDIT- I'm drunk and I need sleep