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BTFeather55 said:
redspear said:
Forget it guys. Wii sports will be the highest selling game bundled or not. For people who don't like it because they don't like the game or what it stands for. Think for a second what game is synomous with the Wii. People talked about and talk about Wii sports today. Wii Sports sold systems and Wii sold some Wii Sports. Some Hardcore gamers who weren't sure actually played because it came with the Wii and they actually liked it.

As I said before Wii sports made Mii's popular. Wii sports reached the mainstream. At parties people ask to play Wii Sports. People played Wii sports in other peoples home and wanted it for themselves. In Japan the Ration is almost 50%. If you were to apply that to the rest of the world it would be at 23 million right now. I know you can't do that but it is the only metric we have for non bundled.

So you think SMB should be discounted because it was bundled? That game was genre defining but set back in terms of the PC gamers at the time. Mario wouldn't have sold that much without the bundle but Nintendo wouldn't have sold so many NESs without that bundle.
SMW was bundled do you discount that game too. You don't think SMB, SMW, Wii Sports would of sold explosively without being bundled? You don't htink they helped the sales of the systems they were bundled with in a significant fashion. If teh bundle would of sucked it would of hurt the Wii just like it would of hurt the NES and the SNES. Instead they were games that made people want more. So they bought the system.

God some peple are as bad as the "OMG 3d is going to destroy Hardcore gaming" 12 years ago.

It is true as a bundle some people got the game that didn't want it. I got stuck with MGS4 because I wanted BC on my PS3 I traded it in. This will always be the case but in general credit is due where credit is do and Wii Sports as the defining game of the Wii has earned its right. It may not be a game you like but to state otehrwise is just whining.

Oh no a company gives away a free game that you can't buy except in Japan.

     The only time people ever talk about Wii Sports is when one group of people (mainly Nintendo's diehard message board fans) say it is the greatest bundled game of all time or the best system seller of all time (when there is nothing to really support that notion and its Game Rankings score is a 7.6), then the other group that points out that the real reason the game sells so many copies is because it is bundled with the Wii.  If any other Wii game had been bundled with the Wii, then it would have sold just as well as Wii Sports.


Well I do not know what you are talking about. It is by far the worst meter but it si all I have in the RW.

My old boss talked about Wii sports. My Mom, Dad, and brother and Aunts did. My Grandfather asked me about it. My Uncle got the Wii for his Wife because of Wii sports. A few my freinds have as well...But most my Hardcore gaming freinds initially talked abotu the PS3 and got a 360 instead.. Not the biggest barameter but that is incidentql evidence.


However on TV Wii ports was talked about a lot....Though I am sure Colberts spot was paid as a few others.