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BTFeather55 said:
izaaz101 said:
BTFeather55 said:
The_vagabond7 said:
darklich13 said:
Title of the thread should be

Wii Sports to become #1 Bundled Videogame of All Time


Seeing as how Super Mario Bros was bundled too, I don't see where the misnomer is. Don't be so sour, give credit where credit is due. Especially in this case where Wiisports is moving so many wii's rather than the other way around.


      Because it is the other way around.  No one buys the Wii exclusively  to play Wii Sports.  Everybody bought the NES to play Mario.

If that's true, then why did the sales of the other 2 Mario's dip below half of the original?

     Because 2 like Link's Adventure was a departure from what made the original so popular and it wasn't as good, and 3 came around when buzzword was starting to be generated for the 16 bits.  From about the NES's release until the time some of the other franchises started to gain a bit of popularity SMB was the driving force behind the sales of the NES.  On the other hand Wii Sports has been along for the ride while other games largely fueled the popularity of the Wii:  Zelda:  Twilight Princess, Mario Galaxy, Super Smash Brothers, Mario Kart, and Wii Fit. 


So why is that a departure of Zelda, leads to 67% of the original being sold, while a departure of Mario leads to 19% of the original being sold? Why is there that big a difference?

And if all those people really did buy the NES to play Mario, why wouldn't they have purchased SMB3, even if it was released near the end of the generation? They would be doing a disservice to themselves, by not playing SMB3, if they really bought the NES for Mario.........unless they didn't buy it for Mario, and just saw that it came with a free game.

All those games released after the wii was out for a year, except for Twilight Princess. The wii sold ~14 million in the first year. Twilight Princess has 5 million sold to date. If we assume all 5 million bought it in the first year (which of course, did not happen), what did the other 9 million purchase the wii for?