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arsenicazure said:
I think its kinda how britney spears trumps radiohead in sales.


But Radiohead haven't made a good album for years. Not since OK Computer and that wasn't as good as The Bends.

*legs it*

Seriously, though, it's nothing like that because a lot of 'serious' gamers love their Wiis as can be noted from a quick look around these forums.

I'm still amazed at how people cannot understand that the Wii does have many quality games and that many of these quality games appeal to a wider demographic than the more 'traditional' games on the other systems. It also appeals to those of us who have been playing games for billions of years and want a change of style as well as the so-called 'core' gamer.

@ A lot of people: It would be nice if these weird emotionally defensive and aggressive postings that we seem to get about things. Why people are so defensive/aggressive about things I have no idea. What are you afraid of? It would be nice to see more maturity about things. They're only games and consoles. Man, there's people being bombed to pieces in the world and yet other people get angry about games sales. That's very tragic.

Also laughed a lot at the Plebian comments. Very funny. Plebian. Heheh. Great post.

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