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Bodhesatva said:

One of the hallmark personality traits of young males is a lack of empathy, and that hallmark is always in full swing on internet forums.

I am endlessly frustrated by most people's inability to reach the simple conclusion: most people don't like the things that you like. It's that simple! I remember when I first stated on these forums that I really disliked Metal Gear Solid 4: how could I not see how awesome this game is? How was I not blown away by its ridiculous amounts of win?

I've explained many times, but the short answer is that I think it's sophomoric. Others might object to the game's incredibly nerdy premise -- a genetically engineered super spy fighting giant robots. And also the President, who is also a genetically engineered clone. In just the same way you might instantly dislike a game that stars cute puppies, others may dislike a game that revolves around super spies fighting giant robots.

Whatever the reason, people need to accept that the things you like are not liked by everyone, and the things you apparently hate (Carnival Games, Wii Fit, Wii Music, whatever) are enjoyed by other people. Your tastes are not better (lol babyz are no worse than lol super spy / bald space marine). Just accept that many people -- in fact, the majority -- do not like the things you like, and prefer other stuff. If you accept this basic fact, the mysteriously succesful Wii which seems to magically sell because it's sprinkled with fairy dust no longer requires bizarre explanations for its prosperity. The Wii sells because most people prefer the types of games the Wii offers (and yes, this includes Wii Fit and Wii Play as much as it does Super Smash Brothers, Mario Kart or Guitar Hero). Just like that, this mystery is solved.


Awesome post.   I'm tempted to sig it.